released October 16, 2020

Concept, music & production by Dancing Sun

Mixed by Andi Gassner
Mastered by
Tony Lindgren - Fascination Street Studios

Artwork illustrated by
Philipp Strohmeier
Layout by Johann Zuschnegg





Meanwhile working on a concept album based upon Rudyard Kipling's Junglebook & works of Jakob Lorber 8 personal ribbons of love & desire moved into the fore light of Dancing Sun.
It is very possible that the Beatles on Acid would have released 'Heart Tales' if they had been windsurfing in Greece and been inspired by Carcass, King Crimson & Dead can Dance.
After 'Firefable' has seen the light of the day Dancing Suns domain of tales prospected love minerals on the bench test of time.
Celluloid & Cellulose songs ask hot potatoe questions such as 'Do we worship the same castle of the grail?' 'How can less be more?' & 'How can a mongoose kill a cobra?' The answer is always the same: Fuck the Angst!


Sometimes when the spoken word cannot provide a way for interaction communication there's an old vessel with its sails of poetry to set. This ship bears the name 'Heart Tales'.



Artwork Genesis



The grass is always greener…

An outburst of temper written with the emphasis of red wine
...but what do people do, when a feme covert mouse tweak their nose, if they're not able to write songs?

The grass is always greener...

Would you play this wicked sunride?
Would you play this game without a hand on your shoulder?
We love the things we cannot have
there is nothing we can give without love

Fuck the Angst
Fuck the naysayers
we sell ourselves to an idea and maybe burn in hell

we love the things we cannot have...



The 5. Element

My ego woke me up one day
I settled down beside the fire til’ yesterday came back
I remembered what she told me about the gifts while her disease
“I am back!” she said “this is for you!" and gave me all her peace

Now that you are the new girl on my mind
All seems won & lost nothing seems real
Now that I am the new pearl inside your shell
We met to lift each other up that is the deal

Do we worship the same castle of the grail?
Come on tell me where are you grounded and what’s your hymn?
It’s the end of the world since 20.000 years
Come on baby tell me where do you cling to when you bite the dust?

Now that you are the new girl on my mind...

The 5. Element

The 5. Element




Rikki Tek’s Garden


I'm fascinated, when fiction in the form of Celluloid or Cellulose & reality effect each other. As happened in Summer 2019 when I read the short story in the Junglebook (1894) "Rikki Tikki Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling.


Rikki Tek’s Garden

This is an old tale
black olive eyes
and down, down, down the rabbit hole

Inmost the tornado we are save
offside our shelter storm-shaped waves and gusty sea
all of a sudden we realize it’s 20 years a.d.

Singer and tailor am I
doubled the joys that I know
Proud of my lilt to the sky
Proud of the house that I sew
So weave I my music

Inmost the tornado we are save...

Evil that plagued us is slain
Tell me his nest and his name.
Death in the garden lies dead
Rikki with eyeballs of flame
the ivory-fanged

Fuck the Angst

Meanwhile producing Dancing Suns Debut "Firefable" the track popped up as the first one of the Heart Tales-series. Invented as the answer to an existential threat.

Sign of the times.
written in December 2018 when I had no clue about the upcoming collective fear.

Fuck the Angst

In quest for alignment to satisfy my conscience...

I wrote this down on a cardboard-box in December madness
when I came to this conclusion to write this song

To fuck the Angst
with empty hands you cannot fail
this song shall kill all the Angst...
of going astray

the unlived life of the forlorn mind
lost in the dungeon where the dragons hide
50 seconds infantile, 20 seconds juvenile
what else can we do than enjoy the speed of life

To fuck the Angst...


Heart Tales


Heart Tales


Turn all logics upside down
we don’t let you take us down
Throw all dishes into the river
we don’t let you down

When my dad called me to tell me his Jack & Walter-neighbour stories
All our show-off-summer-smile, all our blessing is poisoned water on the mills of jealousy
Where is the awareness that we had yesterday
Where is the consciousness that we had yesterday

We’ve been dreaming, now we’re digging in the soil
Where is the awareness that we had yesterday

All started in November when I was pissed as a newt...
I’ve gone through panic mode
I’ve gone through winter ripeness

“Is this your heroes lot?” she asked
“No, it’s the big plot jumping down from the stage”

Among the powwow of the tree I imagine you at my side

Here I am this is me the onlooker
Here I am this is me your lost son

We surrender to the confidence
we drop in the things we cannot change
we close our eyes against diffusion
we till the soil & circus under the law of the in & outside

All started in November when I was pissed as a newt...
We’ve gone through winter ripeness
the tree, the tribe in panic mode


Brothers in Soul

Brothers in Soul

...based on a true story. Nomen est Omen
The last song that had to be written due a chain reaction of wonders in Spring 2020.


Next to the opera there’s a set for a celluloid...

You won’t believe it
at room 101
Metal is the healing score

You won’t believe it rot’n roll is the healing score

Doom Metal is his healing score
Life, Light & Love
to you my brother in soul

Beside the metro station there is a panopticon
a cold war beauty a setting for a cellulose...

You won’t believe it
in floor 18 at room 101
Doom Metal is his healing score

Iron Maiden is his healing score
Doom Metal is his healing score

He is flying above the blanket
he is immune
and he is riding the stars above Vienna of the famous Hällas band

Beside the metro station there is a panopticon
for 1773 pax
Dreamless nights
‘cause one of them is you

Life, Light & Love
to you my brother in soul



Nature teaches Love

Down below the catacombs of titles & files he was Jonathan Price in utopian Brazil
and at the counter of the bookshop above she handed me the paperback of reality stocktaking

Hey! driven girls of driven man what are you doing in my dream

How can less, how can less be more
How can less, how can less be more

I’m strolling above the Meerschaum of your soulquake ocean
I’m on my way to Stevensons island for consolidation reasons

How can less...

‘Cause all I wanted you to stay, you smiled and gave me the key to the woods and walked away...


Nature teaches Love